Fallout 76 Items


(New)Bloodied Pipe Pistol - Level 50

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Pole Hook - Level 50(Take 40% less damage while power attacking)

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Recon Assault Rifle - Level 50(15% faster reload)

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Short Plasma Pistol - Level 45

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Short Pump Action Shotgun - Level 15

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Sledgehammer - Level 50

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Submachine Gun - Level 45

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Switchblade - Level 50

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Tactical Harpoon Gun - Level 50(15% faster reload)

$ 9.90

(New)Bloodied Tire lron - Level 50

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Black Powder Pistol - Level 50(+50% more damage when your target is below 40% health)

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Cryolator - Level 45

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Cryplator - Level 45

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Missile Launcher - Level 50

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Pickaxe - Level 45(Take 40% less damage while power attacking)

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Recon Combat Shotgun - Level 50(Your V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 1 5% faster)

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Security Baton - Level 45(Take 15% less damage while blocking)

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Short Double-Barrel Shotgun - Level 45(25% faster fire rate)

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Short Handmade - Level 45

$ 9.90

(New)Executioner`s Short Lever Action Rifle - Level 45(Bashing damage increased by 40%)

$ 9.90
This is a great Coin that works easy guide easy Coin
nice! the best <3
Awesome! Nice, fast without issues
No problems. Quick and easy transaction. Code was sent right away. Would happily purchase again.
Very Fast and Helpful
Nice and quick with no hassle.

Average user rating

4.8 out of 5 (from 9329 gamers' ratings)

Rating breakdown

Votes(8350) / 89%
Votes(514) / 6%
Votes(251) / 3%
Votes(222) / 2%
Votes(0) / 0%

How to Buy & Trade

  1. PC players please provide the correct Bethesda ID, XBOX players please provide the correct XBOX Tag, PS4 players please provide the correct PSN ID.
  2. We will add you as a friend in the game, please accept the friend request.
  3. After adding a friend, please stay there and do not move around, we will enter your world and get to your side as soon as possible.
  4. We will initiate a trade request with you. Accept the request, (If the item you purchase is bottle cap, you can choose an item, which value equals to the number of bottle caps and then we'll buy it. If you want to purchase the item, we'll price it with 0 bottle cap, and you can complete the trade by clicking on the purchase.)

What is FO76 Items?

In Fallout 76, an important thing for players to do is to collect materials and components. These parts are necessary for many applications, such as building your camp, repairing your armor, and repairing the environment structure.

What's the item?

In Fallout 76, if gamers want to play this smoothly, here are some items that they must-have. For instance, Cap, Ammo, Armor, and Weapon. Meanwhile, it would be very hard for players to collect all of these. To solve this situation, we create this website.

Where to get the items that I want?

You can get all kinds of different items, such as bottle caps, different kinds of ammo and different types of weapons and armors on our website with more reasonable price and better service.

How to get the items that I want?

You can select any item that you want or need, and then you can purchase them with a little expense, or you can also use your collectibles in the game to trade with us. Both ways are always accepted.

Eznpc is the best online game store in the globe for buying POE currency, Fo76 items, weapons and boosting services. Check out the latest special deals and buy online at the most reasonable prices.